New Google Adwords Campaign Limits: Now 10,000 Campaigns Per Account

Google Ad Formats

If you use Google Adwords, you must have come across Google Adwords campaign limits while uploading your accounts. Google Adwords campaign limits have often come in the way of agencies and large advertisers who want to upload massive campaigns covering continents, long-tail keywords, etc. While many people would email support or call into their Adwords Helpline (US Phone number: 1866-2-GOOGLE) to increase limits, Google adwords has made it very easy now for advertisers to upload 10,000 campaigns to a single adwords account. While that might be more than enough for everyone, one thing to consider is should you even reach that maximum Google Adwords campaign limits (10,000 campaigns in a single account). We feel it is better not to hit more than 200 – 300 campaigns per adwords account for better adwords account management.

Benefits of having many campaigns in a single Google Adwords account

  • In many cases if you are putting up campaigns for a particular state, etc. it is best to have all campaigns in a single adwords account. Be aware of the Google adwords campaign limits, but just because Google has increased it doesn’t mean you should have all your campaigns in a single account
  • Sometimes having all campaigns in a single account gives you the ability to manage it more easily, especially if it is a single client. That way you don’t have to toggle between multiple accounts to manage campaigns. That being said, it is also important to sort accounts by geographies, etc. if you plan on optimizing your Google Adwords account frequently.

New Google Adwords Campaign Limits (from Google Help Center)

  • 10,000 campaigns
  • 20,000 ad groups per campaign
  • 5,000 keywords per ad group
  • 300 display ads per ad group
  • 4 million active or paused ads per account
  • 3 million keywords per account
  • 10,000 location targets per campaign, including up to 500 proximity targets per campaign
  • 100,000 active ad extensions per account
  • 1.3 million references to ad extensions per account
New advertisers looking to learn Google Adwords should first consider how to structure adwords account and efficiently use all the Google ad formats. It is imperative that users don’t exploit the maximum Google Adwords campaign limits just because the policy has changed because there are very few advertisers that require such massive Google adwords campaign limits. Most advertisers typically create 100 – 150 campaigns with numerous ad groups that are highly relevant so that their quality score is high.

Google Adwords Campaign Limits

If you are an advertiser using Google Adowrds, have you reached Google Adwords campaign limits in the past? If so how have you resolved it easily? Now that Google has raised Google Adwords campaign limits, will it be more easier for you to manage large Google adwords accounts? Do share your thoughts with our readers.

Image Credit: Google

News Tip: Google Inside Adwords & Adwords Help Center

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  1. Google Ad Formats for Adsense and Adwords
  2. How to Structure Adwords Account
  3. How to add Phone Numbers to your Google Adwords Campaigns
  4. Stop competitors from bidding on your brand in Google Adwords
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