Rajnikanth Website Runs Without Internet

Rajnikanth WebsiteYou must have come across numerous Rajnikanth jokes on the Internet or on someone’s wall posts on Facebook. But have you come across a Rajnikanth website that runs without the Internet? WebChutney along with DesiMartini has come up with a fantastic viral campaign Rajnikanth website that features a website that runs without the Internet. Users are asked to disconnect the website before continuing to the website. The website is located within the DesiMartini website – which is a website that is movie centric. They have leveraged a recent phenomenon of Rajni jokes that are abundant on Facebook and other social media platforms and created a Rajnikanth website out of it. A clever campaign like this has gained instant momentum driving traffic to the DesiMartini designed Rajnikanth website.

While the novelty of a Rajnikanth website for marketing purposes is limitless, a look at the creative aspect of such a website sheds light on a great creative team behind. The concept itself is quite simple – creating a flash website, pre-loading all the content and allowing users to browse through the content when they are disconnected from the Internet (a simple check for connection done in the background.) The presentation of the website is excellent – with a clear cut value proposition for users. The Rajnikanth website also points to a few internal pages such as the Rajni Jokes page, where users can contribute their favorite Rajnikanth joke and discuss with the community. The How-to section of the Rajnikanth website clearly outlines how to access the content behind the spalsh page – which for casual users of the Internet is necessary.

The agency behind this campaign is WebChutney and they created the Rajnikanth website for DesiMartini - a website related to movies. The Rajnikanth website can be accessed here.
Have you come across any Rajnikanth jokes? Share them with our readers below and vote up the most fascinating ones.

Image Credit: Desimartini Website

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