Twitter People Directory Lists Twitter Profiles in Alphabetical Order

Twitter People Directory is a yellow pages style directory of all the Twitter users. It is a great resource to find interesting people on Twitter and enables you to discover. If you are not sure what the exact handle of a user is but know their full name, Twitter People Directory will enable you to browse through their entire directory to enable you to find and follow the Twitter user. Twitter is a vibrant social network that has been built on transforming information easily and conveniently across the world. The simplicity of the service has enabled millions of people around the world to follow, discover and diffuse information. Use the Twitter People Directory to find interesting people to follow on Twitter.


Twitter People Directory

Twitter People Directory

Twitter People Directory

1. Access the Twitter People Directory. on Twitter (see link below)

4.  If you want to search through non-Latin character names, then use the alphabets directly below the non-Latin character names to give you detailed information on the Twitter users. Note you have to explore the directory to many levels to get to Twitter Handle – Twitter name list because there are millions of variations for millions of users on Twitter.

5. You can also search Latin character names in a similar way and the directory is not something you should use daily. To search for Twitter Users, there is always Twitter People Search you can use to find interesting people. Now that Twitter has started Twitter Ads for Small Businesses and Twitter for Small Business has become popular, you should also see Twitter User/Account Recommendations in your Twitter stream to help you discover interesting Twitter users.

Twitter People Directory Features [See Twitter Directory]

The ideal use case for such a  directory of all the names is for search engines and other robots to analyze the vast Twitter ecosystem. If you do plan on analyzing Twitter users for academic purposes or index a list of Twitter users, there is always the Twitter API that can be leveraged. This Twitter People Directory is meant to be a place that aggregates Twitter users alphabetically for discovery purposes and is a well-intentioned directory of Twitter users that users can use to discover great Twitter followers.

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